Starting Motor Comp.. (BUD 125/150/170/HOOL)
This OEM starter motor fits Genuine Buddy 125, 150, and 170i, as well as Genuine Hooligan 170i and replaces the starter motor that came with your bike.
You can also purchase this part through your local Genuine dealer.
Genuine Buddy 125 | Genuine Buddy 150 |
Genuine Buddy 170i | Genuine Hooligan 170i |
About Genuine: Since 2004, Genuine has fostered a dedicated community of two-wheeled enthusiasts. Genuine's singular objective has remained consistent: to provide superior scooter, motorcycle, and mobility products while delivering unrivaled customer support. Genuine has diligently pursued this aim by collaborating with world-leading manufacturers and a nationwide network of dealership experts to keep you and your two-wheeled companion on the road. Genuine OEM Parts are the original parts that came with your Genuine when you first met. Feel the love, It's Genuine!
*This product is intended as an OEM equivalent for listed models. Any misuse, alteration or alternative application is prohibited by law.